Connectiing Studio RADA with other milongas around the world in time and space! Made with ofxGstRTP from Arturo Castro and Seth Hunter, and ofTwitter. System synch iTunes in real time.

Preliminary tests of Simul-Tango, a project to connect Studio RADA in Tokyo ( with other milongas around the world in time and space. Made with OF – and the amazing library ofxGstRTP from Arturo Castro ( and Seth Hunter ( The code also uses ofTwitter (messages to @milongaonline appear for some seconds on the “portal”). Also, the system synchs iTunes in real time to avoid soundtrack delays using OSC over TCP/IP. Various visual effects are used to simplify contours of dancers (simple shaders).

The code can be checked here: Details on the ofxGstRTP library here:

Music in this video

Music: Oigo Tu Voz (Lucio Demare / Grandes del Tango 27)